Native NFTs (Vote Here)

Fecha de inicio: 07.03.2024 23:07:17 | Fecha de finalización: 08.03.2024 23:08:00 | Creada por: MindsGaming

Our last community recommendation didn't fare well, garnering only six votes. So, a new idea and recommendation has arrived! Native NFTs, in my viewpoint, will require an innovative UI. How It Can Be Done - Allow pricing of NFTs via posting, much like post locks. This should use the user's token. - Add an NFT tab to markets for a dedicated NFT feed and purchase area for the user's token. - Add a link to NFT posts to view the NFT information on the blockchain through a blockchain explorer. - Allow native sending of NFTs, much like tips. However, users must accept the NFT before it's added to their wallet.



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