How abt a feature like (once) "user can redeem more tokens using a coupon code provided"

Fecha de inicio: 08.24.2021 08:08:37 | Fecha de finalización: 09.30.2021 09:09:00 | Creada por: Ptah

I have multiple projects, that are running outside of crypto market, but it is annoying to convince most them to get here, and do all these stuffs, they act like neonates. My ideas are about : 1. Token owners can provide coupon code, as gaming , task completion etc. like rewards. (from anywhere) 2. An option in token settings, to add current coupon code, with add and remove option including limit/amount setter. 2. To do that, Mintme might \ can add one more function like donation, that in theories, can be said "inverse of donation ( Might named as redeem )". 3. Instead of Getting tips like Donation, It will redeem tokens from owners wallet to user, whatever reward he/she is committed. Mintme is already, too good, but i do believe, this can easily bring more traffic. (To all tokeNs) You all are over qualified, to understand this one.



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