I would like to introduce myself and the deZentrale.at here once. My name is Daniel Mueller, I am in the crypto universe since 2016. I have specialized in NFTs in the form of virtual properties and art. To be able to offer my customers and subscribers as broad a spectrum of information as possible, I apply countless applications in self-experimentation and report on my experiences on my YouTube channel. With the dezentrale coin, I want to increase the reach of my channels to reach more people. On almost all channels I speak or write in German. Unfortunately, there are still far too few channels in German and far too many German speakers who speak poor English. This has in the fewest cases something to do with intelligence, but simply with practice. Many German-speaking people simply don't need English in their everyday lives. (craftsmen, salesmen, etc.) and face major problems when they are interested in cryptocurrencies and their applications. Sincerely, Daniel Mueller
Endlich, mein neues Buch zum Thema NFT ist fertig. NFTs verstehen, bewerten und handeln. Finally, my new Book is finish. NFT Understand, evaluate and act on NFTs.
Darf ich vorstellen... May I introduce... The Exotic Gentlemen Society
Ein neues Video zu Unstoppable Domains New Video on Unstoppable Domains
Gegenargumente zu einer Petition auf change.org. arguments against a petition on change.org
Ich habe zu Anschauungszwecken eine Welcome Space der deZentrale eingerichtet. deZentrale welcome Space at CV. Don't Talk, just Show :-)
In diesem Blogpost gehe ich ein wenig auf die Möglichkeiten der virtuellen Welten, wie Decentraland, ein.