This is utility token for the game project. You can read more about it over here: Initially it will help with securing some funding it order to facilitate development and maintenance. Current functionality for the token: - allow voting of project direction - can tip others in the Discord server - can purchase special roles in Discord - freelance artists in our Discord server Way more functionality is planned for later: - units stats and ability balancing - battle other players for the token - access to special online game modes In the Factions online mode, XTR will be used for: - materialize owned units and shield Dark Priest from harm - acquire lands from various realms in order to build cities - staking the token to generate interest, plasma or even NFTs - build unit dwellings that will generate units periodically - recruit additional units, can die within combat or siege The vanilla version of the game will always be free to play, but those who want to get more content can use the token to acquire NFTs to customize and expand it: - combat location backgrounds - unlocking additional tracks - access to new playable units - alternative skins for units - customize Dark Priest looks

Creado el:
03 Jul 2021
Ya liberado:
5 436 019.4218
No liberados aún:
4 563 980.5781
Ordenes activas:
1 168.0000
Creado el:
03 Jul 2021
Ordenes activas:
1 168.0000
Período de liberación:
10 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
5 436 019.4218
En la billetera del exchange:
5 085 469.4289
4 530.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
38 990.9476
No liberados aún:
4 563 980.5781
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
01:06:21 02 Jun, 2024

Gitcoin Round 20 went alright, having 37 contributors, which had their donations amplified by the quadratic funding algorithm. Big thanks to everyone that piched in, you guys rock! The project is proceeding well, quite a few bug fixes have been merged recently into master on GitHub. Looking forward to more PRs soon. We now have a new item in our MintMe Shop that you can cheaply purchase in order to receive a shoutout to your page/product/token. Get it fast, as there are limited spots!

16:05:33 01 May, 2024

It's my pleasure to announce that we're part of Gitcoin Grants 20! 🥳 There are 6 days left to make your contribution to this game project 🎮 that will get amplified by the community via Quadratic Funding! 🚀

14:02:13 25 Feb, 2024

We just surpassed 1500 ⭐ on GitHub -> 🐺 Let's see how fast we'll reach 1600 now 🚀 Constantly rising as one of the most popular games on the platform. Enjoy ultra cheap XatteR while you can 🐻

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