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The Wave Cache


Este token existe en la blockchain.


Mientras más información suministre sobre su token y perfil, mayor será este número. Además obtendrá un incremento significativo si despliega su token en la blockchain.

0.0108 MINTME

El botón seguir te permite añadir el token a la cartera y generar la dirección de depósito, también recibirás notificaciones de este token. No seguir sólo detendrá las notificaciones

Blockchain-powered Record Label

Source, repository, supplier, and distributor of rising new waves of sounds, frequencies, and music.
The Wave Cache is a creative collective, record label, publisher, radio station, music channel, and showcase of talent.

Support the Next Wave. Fund the Art. Inspire the Music.
Coin holders will directly support The Wave Cache's music and artists, access prioritized communication spaces to chat with us, receive rewards such as discounts on our growing list of services, and earn a variety of member benefits and privileges.

Artist and musician coin holders will receive priority through our music/art submission process.

We will be continuously looking for new ways to benefit this special community by providing VIP services and exclusive products to those who support us.

The Wave Cache token (TWC) is a digital currency which's sole purposes are to access our supporter membership along with its benefits, purchase services and products we offer, and tip or support us and our artists/music.
Creado el:
05 Mar 2021
En la billetera del exchange:
3 575 313.5008
Vendido en el mercado:
53 471.2713
Ordenes activas:
2 185.0000
Últimas noticias
The Wave Cache token avatar
10:10:58 1 Sep, 2021

Please check out the "Voting" tab to help direct where we take the project.

Please check out the "Voting" tab to help direct where we take the project.

The Wave Cache token avatar
21:12:39 28 Jul, 2021

All of our coin holders will be able to submit music and art to us through this form:

All of these submissions are prioritized. Thanks for your support. Let's share your art and music!

All of our coin holders will be able to submit music and art to us through this form:

All of these submissions are prioritized. Thanks for your support. Let's share your art and music!

The Wave Cache token avatar
14:45:00 30 Mar, 2021

Hey guys! We're giving away 10 TWC coins to everyone who is interested in our mission! This is in addition to the airdrop!

Hey guys! We're giving away 10 TWC coins to everyone who is interested in our mission! This is in addition to the airdrop!

The Wave Cache token avatar
23:35:10 29 Mar, 2021

Airdrop is now open! Join while you still can!

Airdrop is now open! Join while you still can!

The Wave Cache token avatar
08:55:04 16 Mar, 2021

We welcome you to make an initial investment and join our movement. We're accepting buy orders!

We welcome you to make an initial investment and join our movement. We're accepting buy orders!

The Wave Cache token avatar
08:31:06 16 Mar, 2021

To view this post, you need to have 1 The Wave Cache token avatar The Wave Cache tokens in your balance. Visit the trade page and create a buy order to acquire the required tokens.