Propuestas Lista

Stratton Oakmont is a token that aims to help charities across the globe. The main goal of Stratton Oakmont is to be able to be used as a bridge between international donations to people in developing countries without administration fees at the same time any money raised through Stratton Oakmont will be donated to small Local African Communities. The Idea is if donations reach a great number and cryptocurrency prices goes up after a few years, when crypto currency is in mass adoption stage the funds raised can be eventually sent from Stratton Oakmont directly to the charities. The funds can be used as so; Funds raised from Stratton Oakmont will eventually be liquidated in to USDC and sent directly to the Charities, this way they can directly purchase supplies needed, without any administration fees and without the need of a bank account which many do not have access to in such parts of the world Follow us at

Creado el:
04 Jun 2021
Ya liberado:
5 443 070.2091
No liberados aún:
4 556 929.7908
Ordenes activas:
3 188 617.0000
Creado el:
04 Jun 2021
Ordenes activas:
3 188 617.0000
Período de liberación:
10 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
5 443 070.2091
En la billetera del exchange:
771 318.4531
Vendido en el mercado:
3 241 490.9369
No liberados aún:
4 556 929.7908
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
El creador del token no ha añadido ninguna publicación todavía.