Which Pitcoin Deployment?
Fecha de inicio: 08.04.2021 17:08:43 | Fecha de finalización: 08.31.2021 18:08:00 | Creada por: Pitcoin
So, I'm looking at the new oppertunities and i wish to deploy this token when i saved up enough. Don't take offence but the MintMe blockchain is kind of closed and not really attractive at the moment to expand. So i'm wondering if i should look outside the box and deploy on a different blockchain. I'm setting the limit to the end of the month, i hope to reach 10 open wallets with people who are interested in voting. If possible, i can deploy by then.
Actuales Resultados
Hello everyone, Some explanation. All what is lost thanks to the update came at a cost, we can't sell our tokens anymore. Below you can see the pricing strategy, the future implementation, and the idea. Pitcoin Drop Offs.: If you do want to share your tokens that are worthless, put your TX into a comment and i'll donate you .01$ (Which is more then you can get unfortunatly) The drop off adress for tokens is: 0xd16c1d6002df7f4111c3bf0d0ee615ced757ea4e But you are always welcome to donate more.
Hello everyone, Welcome to the Pitcoin, where all what is lost is welcome. All what is lost thanks to the update came at a cost, we can't sell our tokens anymore. Pitcoin Pricing Strategy: Per token The new update has made my old pricing strategy impossible, this is why i'm bringing in Pitcoin 2.0. Fixed prices, Forever. Pitcoin Rules & Buyback Strategy: There is no buybackstack up untill there is enough to launch on the MintMe blockchain. Once on the blockchain, the token will be used as a utility token that will be able to be obtained by playing a game that will automatically reward you. (Incremental prestige game with custom blockchain token that will be able to be swapped to Pitcoins).