We are ready post
We are ready
17:06:37 10 Jun, 2021

Our coins has lanuch on Many platforms like https://www.cryptocoincreator.com/currency/newbitcoinx/client/access_wallet.php

https://counter2.stat.ovh/private/freecounterstat.php?c=dnjgjmq9aeymp2f6ry24gf8zpempapzn NewBitcoinX is a high breed and investor friendly coin we always on the raise invest in NewBitcoinX and watch your mintme grow from a little seed to a big strong Tree we are ready to launch to the moon lets start with one simple step and invest in NewBitcoinX the 1st coin that you never lose money on start small with NewBitcoinX and grow Our coin is not Bitcoin were much better https://media4.giphy.com/media/C4NZdmFBnLqV7wU3Gn/200.webp?cid=ecf05e478pv3orr0xcgein1x6vttlveg0tithq20dutp7e6z&rid=200.webp&ct=g TO donate to our project feel free to send Mintme or ETH to this address 0xa7370abd8481ef0f925da313610d2483162ecd24 This project was made by Crypto Makers IO Sign CEO: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/u2keZfkNsXNhaDih8PZ8fygdeHG5NR7wayGgWhJeKLHoZ0r6WBL-b8EFG_o-9_0rOichX9TuqPTHSzjr7oUA-HoKeJNkVU3-oB5EAJzC28fxjdK6qgXU7E_OAEmzYre1VRqXlyroPTVUEmCJnBjUSbKaTWdeAnkLP_OJszba5cC1XYFvx-dJeEkTIUI1VpXlSs5zpECqUB8Kvl3RJnlmT-JfgQQYXwddlRAaW2ILw-nSweOPsPusQCba8DQraGfeG0qYqickQGcsjQEkNgEntn6HYAez2Zxw3M3ZLGDT8XA6QT4ksXf-IyqtlWHIMQfsaZLrYf2c2xeLMTJPzOJvUfSt_1RssUipYbiLKGvqjWGILVmCmlSL8rR8C8zLe8riN2DSg3DQ11n3slldHHXF1mG47nDHH1S9k6KYR-pc-DPW_TDOwy1aCCmJnuTTqg1lYCcemLCFdQGVsykKfkZCzRSEfP_bS5up-MvoGtBeGiIDhrAr-O0khpO-MzTcfQOYQMsX0BlVCVbc8LAyHj991ERVkosdZ7S_ImLNLS66Z0bJX2ELpsP0KRMTOqDCWk_M9ZKzQbnDHYFbizKnES3w6AWlkP_Ycgh_ShqwXOBJOuFb4TN5eNV51pgNIgt5w0zSZy-K0dEf9g60SJeGwXoj-Qan5CXjzjT-ZK0zXmdDsfvrGLjztKPwaMedkLKfTyJoXHNEGR0Yt27d6lCrGucsMGeG=w500-h150-no?authuser=0

Creado el:
03 Apr 2021
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
No liberados aún:
Ordenes activas:
2 202 024.0000
Creado el:
03 Apr 2021
Ordenes activas:
2 202 024.0000
Período de liberación:
0 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
1 638 669.8526
Vendido en el mercado:
8 361 330.1474
No liberados aún:
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
Our goal is done post
16:11:37 18 Nov, 2021

Our goal was to destroy DogecoinX but then after we destroyed it our market when down mainly because i was offline because then you need a phone to use mintme i did not have in https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2013/05/05/02/14/cargo-jet-108882__340.jpg Bye Bye Dogecoin X https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/economyis-bad-picture-id959257636?k=6&m=959257636&s=612x612&w=0&h=GXs1_0EPUvol5go_Fhq9tSfha0nawG1nOPYEoB2RsfY=

NewBitcoinX post
20:07:49 14 Jul, 2021

The counter is on for our top secret project its all most ready to launch https://counter2.stat.ovh/private/freecounterstat.php?c=dnjgjmq9aeymp2f6ry24gf8zpempapzn

NewBitcoinX post
17:07:56 11 Jul, 2021

Were back sorry all our investors we was away a long time we was working on some thing big that can change Our coin forever For now our project is top secret https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/03/23/12/56/security-2168233__340.jpg

NewBitcoinX post
20:06:46 27 Jun, 2021

We have depolyed our 1st wallet at https://www.cryptocoincreator.com/currency/newbitcoinx/client/ we use our wallet for persons to buy crypto and other stuff like viral movie tickets that we will be launching for milloins of persons to mine our coin and buy stuff with it https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/01/26/18/21/matrix-3109378__340.jpg

NewBitcoinX post
17:06:03 27 Jun, 2021

Today is a very import to celebrate our coins birthday we got gifts for you free NewBitcoinX for every body enjoy our airdrop https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2013/05/05/02/14/cargo-jet-108882__340.jpg

NewBitcoinX post
21:06:46 26 Jun, 2021

Come on NewBitcoinX investors lets raise the price higher and lets earn a profit our coin is increasing and we need more Mintme to grow soon we will deploy our coin to the Mintme network then to ETH Network we need your help to increase price

NewBitcoinX post
19:06:11 25 Jun, 2021

DogecoinX is falling he has noting to say he know we won and he make an other coin call Mint something the point is his try to fool persons again and DogecoinX is most likey to drop very low and no one will use it and mintme.com will kick it out the market https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/economyis-bad-picture-id959257636?k=6&m=959257636&s=612x612&w=0&h=GXs1_0EPUvol5go_Fhq9tSfha0nawG1nOPYEoB2RsfY=

NewBitcoinX post
14:06:36 25 Jun, 2021

DogecoinX is falling he loseing his investors they finely see his true colours and their leaveing DogecoinX . MoonMarsMan or Ed Stewart thats what you get for starting a war and calling my friend dead mom names persons know who you are your a sex offender you have been in jail so many times tell me how it feels https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/hands-of-the-prisoner-picture-id1133862799?b=1&k=6&m=1133862799&s=170667a&w=0&h=vRHsFUGb8d9uI2n1L_VKLi9odMNQNyd2XUnHsvMcZJY=

MoonMarsMan or Ed Stewart Owner of DogecoinX criminal file post
17:06:50 24 Jun, 2021


Do not trust MoonMarsMan hes a crimanl his trying to destroy you and own you post
16:06:29 24 Jun, 2021


Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
2 121 334
1 979 275
1 871 237
995 000
669 092
242 260
176 256
81 351
80 000
24 950
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token