We moved all our projects, ecosystem, other Minds creator Tokens and more to the introduction for newcomers. We will be working with other creators on Minds in helping them launch and be a part of our ecosystem here. Look out for new tokens that will be added from musicians, artist, and more in the token introduction soon!
Welcome to #MTCG the community token for #MindsGaming if you're just getting involved in our project (or haven't yet) drop a comment below and say hi for a chance at some MTCG. Make sure to check out our token space to browse current active creator tokens on the blockchain and projects involving cryoto, also check our community website for Minds group topics and social activities! https://mtcg.glitch.me https://mindsgaming.glitch.me/ Thanks so much for your support and being a part of our little community! https://youtu.be/VO_M8wQI3oU?si=75tgZVKhsUpeDsy7