Flow, growth and valuation...
20:06:14 09 Jun, 2021

Good afternoon, for informational purposes to token holders, I come to clear up some concerns, the idea is to get a value of 0.2 and in that way to grow in terms of market demand we have, meanwhile with some market decisions the token will go constantly reaching new investors and old holders without the need to resort to a devaluation of it. To conclude, I want to say that month by month I will make an evaluation of the market and global interests and we will try to make the best decision for al GCORP holders. Greetings to all, have a great weekend andthank you very much for trusting GCORP!!!

We have returned with the objective of uploading the currency to the blockchain in the shortest possible time and there to start a sustainable and growth process for both G CORP and our investors, so I invite you to invest and promote this project, which will be supported for a support in terms of productivity but also to share music, financial information and analysis of various situations, I send my greetings and continue to trust that together we will grow without having a roof!

Creado el:
20 May 2021
Ya liberado:
5 194 559.1336
No liberados aún:
4 805 440.8663
Ordenes activas:
65 567.0000
Creado el:
20 May 2021
Ordenes activas:
65 567.0000
Período de liberación:
10 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
5 194 559.1336
En la billetera del exchange:
2 765 834.1346
Vendido en el mercado:
1 121 593.8125
No liberados aún:
4 805 440.8663
Volumen de compras directas:
500 017
Últimas noticias
20:09:34 11 Sep, 2023

Release some runs of tokens to the market, staggered in terms of value, competitive market value with the aim of adding value to the token and helping to reactivate the market, we have a valuable opportunity to play, learn and also capitalize, the best is yet to come friends!!!

21:10:51 28 Oct, 2022

I will be accepting offers to be able to massively deploy the token and improve the offer-demand market in this way to generate market competition and value our Gcorp, greetings!!!!

20:02:04 17 Feb, 2022

Shortly after deploying GCORP on the blockchain I am going to make a strong offer of it and adjust it in any case taking market acceptance, shortly the bases of its economic support will be presented as the strategy to follow in positioning and marketing, meanwhile to continue enjoying the trip! Greetings and success!!!

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
496 414
254 480
42 754
11 313
7 000
5 609
4 817
3 000
2 000
1 575
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token