DogecoinX is a deflationary, satirical token taking its relatable straight forward satire approach to the world. We try to be a straight shooter but we do get strange noise from random hater cryptos. We play doctor, coder(🤦‍♂️), writer, trader and sometimes even we play internet security firm consultant (satire joke) 🤣 🤷‍♂️ We look to be a marketing style crypto generating revenues from referrals, lead sales, internet traffic redirection, and utility brought about by acceptance probably mostly through us through advertising.(plug- checkout it out, sign up through and buy some DogecoinX!) We try to reissue those to shareholders by buybacks, limiting token offerings, adding market depth. We try to be fair and aim to have high market depth to support your investment. We strive to stay creative to develop multiple uses for this token rather than just one or two. We currently own 10 domains crypto related so we do have expenses. We chose to use redirects until we get a chance to build out. Now over 100 Deployed Tokens on MintMe we see growth in the mintme platform as a whole! We aim to stay below 1,000,000 tokens in issuance(exception development and creators FUTURE tokens released 2m) All tokens are on the secondary. 3m Burned. We aim to be deflationary by partial redemption burn (25-50% when used for advertising) A joke coin now growing in potential, just a random guy on the internet one day found this site and wanted to try it! Within 15 minutes I was deployed on Ethereum! Hi Mom! 👋 After months actually growing a footing. 320+ Wallets Opened! We are learning, doing well considering NO experience! We Thank You All For your Support!! This is a hobby but we try to be a win for our investors and community by bringing in new users and not letting bullshit slide. Cause we all win with more users and less bullshit! 🤷‍♂️

Creado el:
25 May 2021
Ya liberado:
9 290 509.7490
No liberados aún:
709 490.2509
Ordenes activas:
324 105.0000
Creado el:
25 May 2021
Ordenes activas:
324 105.0000
Período de liberación:
5 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
9 290 509.7490
En la billetera del exchange:
4 194 074.3020
3 766 274.2267
Vendido en el mercado:
1 301 620.1489
No liberados aún:
709 490.2509
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
18:06:49 02 Jun, 2021

So we are looking into a way to support coin prices upward based on a percentage of the largest token holders total coins. Since our largest holder has about 12,000 I am think about 1/4 of that in coin supports. About 10-15% above our base support line. After a shake out we realized a few things. We are constantly adapting, we see opportunities when they come about, and if taking advantage of opportunities is bad, sorry. Because WE ARE REAL INVESTORS! Even in this game world. We have salvaged at least 10 coins from their own failure already. 1 we couldn’t fix no matter how much money we put in, so we own them simply as a trophy of what happens if you don’t listen.

17:06:32 02 Jun, 2021

DogecoinX being an economist at heart sees mintme prices increasing... so what does that mean for tokens exchanged... 1. If mintme tokens cost more in terms of btc. More people may sell tokens to trade for BTC. If your token doesn’t have supporting bids or Real HODLers then I could imagine seeing tokens without real value , utility, or cool meme, or personality to faulter. So Token Creators you should have a mintme reserve. For your own price supports. 2.tokens cost more so possibly consolidation into more liquid assets. 3. Less mintme coins thrown around 4. More tokens chasing less mintme. 5. Bolster your balance sheet with mintme! Your balance sheet then becomes your investment in Mintme!🤔

17:06:30 02 Jun, 2021

If anyone knows what arbitrage is. That’s when you basically sell something then buy it back somewhere else for cheaper. Find that loop and utilize it until it no longer exist. Biggest Arbitrage I see now is from the exchange to mintme exchange trading mintme! You can earn About 16% currently! Every time! Look at the prices of mintme/btc! It’s taking off because there isn’t enough supply in the market here!

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
723 070
186 846
182 160
179 244
150 499
135 773
99 800
87 188
49 939
39 929
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token