How Much Do You Think A Customer Should Pay For A Store In Dollars

Fecha de inicio: 08.01.2024 20:08:55 | Fecha de finalización: 08.29.2024 20:08:00 | Creada por: ultimatedeal

REMEMBER YOU GET 5% DIVIDENDS FROM EVERY STORE OPEN FEE! How much do you think a customer should pay for a store?



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We are a futristic encrypted marketplace with stocks which can distribute dividends, blockchain stores (Payment Coin in stores choosen by the store owner, rewards with stocks of the store) for your stock , cities from the future where stores can unite, fundraising and more! All customer data are encrypted with a special key you get from us when purchasing a store. Each store owner chooses the Dividends every distribution. All you need to do is to buy your store, and we will guide you through all the process. תחיי מדינת ישראל

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30 Jul 2024
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11 180.0000
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30 Jul 2024
Ordenes activas:
11 180.0000
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08:08:44 07 Aug, 2024

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20:08:25 02 Aug, 2024

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12:08:30 02 Aug, 2024

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