DRUNK is a new promising memecoin taking the crypto currency space by surprise, drunk memecoin has all the potentials of both Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and Pepe put together, with a promising higher ROI, the name Drunk is a symbol of life for all the drunk men and women who enjoys been drunk at all times as part of their freedom to enjoy life to the fullest. The newly deployed Drunk memecoin has the potential to brings high ROI within a limited short period of time, the Drunkcoin has a total circulating supply of just 10million token in which 75% has already been released into the market at 0.01 cent while the remaining 25% has been locked for period of 5years so as not to fully dilute the market and allow for development and progress of Drunkcoin. Get to know early Buy DRUNK and catch the flight lets the party start. Drunk memecoin is purely a super memecoin that not only going revolutionize the crypto industry but also to make all holder of holders millions in the nearest time. Drunk is not just an ordinary memecoin but the one that has all the potentials to succeed under this project we promise our members some new innovations and a well established ecosystem for growth and Development. Drunk ecosystem will soon launched an NFT as part of our growth strategy Get Drunk let's kick start another journey of life with Drunk memecoin Get Drunk and make money with DRUNKCOIN

Creado el:
10 Mar 2024
Ya liberado:
7 763 123.8584
No liberados aún:
2 236 876.1415
Ordenes activas:
909 233.0000
Creado el:
10 Mar 2024
Ordenes activas:
909 233.0000
Período de liberación:
5 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
7 763 123.8584
En la billetera del exchange:
6 494 700.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
127 583.7528
No liberados aún:
2 236 876.1415
Volumen de compras directas:
15 486
Últimas noticias
22:03:44 17 Mar, 2024

With sincere appreciation, I wish to thank and appreciate all the traders, investors and members of this platform that supported my DRUNK project from the first day of launched to present, words can't express how joyful and happy I am for all your purchase, I have come to under stand no one succeed alone, that means success is determined by the people you keep around you, those people that support you, support your project, that support your idea and invest their money in what you do or sell. My sincere appreciation to the following for their unwavering support. #Danceandmusictoken #MindsGaming #Vegeta, #pyxystix #Doggo

21:03:17 15 Mar, 2024

Crypto market is full of uncertainty, that's why they said only invest what you can afford to lose because crypto market can fluctuate at any time and you may end up losing your money. Recently, the Cryptococcus market has seen a Bearish momentum after a great parabolic movement from it all time high, although, the market is currently on recovery mode it's either you HODL or Sell.

21:03:01 14 Mar, 2024

Crypto market is currently bearish this development has affected top currencues on the chart such as BTC, ETH, XRP while some are still looking green 🍏 Drunk is still selling Buy Buy Buy let the party started.

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
76 080
46 503
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token