Getting US Known !!!

Fecha de inicio: 11.08.2021 00:11:34 | Fecha de finalización: 11.08.2021 01:11:34 | Creada por: MrGreenfunk

I am looking to see what is the best way to get known. I'm am asking for you to vote on one of these methods. If you have any info or suggestions to expand please feel free to get ahold.



Actuales Resultados


The wait is over!!! Hey It's Mr.Greenfunk here with a great announcement for a New token that will bring you new benefits for doing what some of us already do on a regular...which is buying cannabis products!! By investing in BudCoin you will be one of the first people to be part of crypto history. The main Goal of BudCoin is to make this ever growing industry expand to a new horizon by having one coin (crypto currency),that will be accepted anywhere cannabis and cannabis related products are sold around the world. Yes!! I said ANYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD!! But for now let's just start here in California for now. As you read this we are going around Southern California gathering the first dispensaries that will jump onboard and take on this major project with us by accepting this new way of exchanging BudCoin for our favorite cannabis and cannabis related products. How will this be beneficial in the long run you ask...? When we reach the support needed (first 1000 coins) to start engaging in well known dispensaries, it will lead to new and better benefits for both parties. By "You" the investor in BudCoin showing support and acquiring coins it will show "Retailers" that we have a market and demand for it.... The bigger demand the better the reward systems will get as we work on having special privileges and prices. The possibilities are endless. As we grow as an entity the primal initiates will never be forgotten. Will that be You??.. Get onboard in making Crypto history by making this happen for a new and better way of benefitting/obtaining our favorite cannabis products. If you would like more info please feel free to contact me Mr.Greenfunk at LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!!

Creado el:
24 May 2021
Ya liberado:
9 999 657.5342
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Creado el:
24 May 2021
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
2 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
9 999 657.5342
En la billetera del exchange:
5 640 360.3529
Vendido en el mercado:
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Últimas noticias
00:11:37 09 Nov, 2021

Help out by sharing this post and get yourself half a coin.

00:11:05 07 Nov, 2021