Bronx (BRNX) token is a fun idea designed to function as a meme coin built on the Ethereum based MintMe blockchain network and allowing artists, creators, art collectors, fans, and everybody else with focus on Web3, DeFi, Metaverse, unlimited art and next level gaming to freely develop, express and promote their art and business ideas.

Creado el:
05 Apr 2021
Ya liberado:
9 999 086.7579
No liberados aún:
Ordenes activas:
1 053 266.0000
Creado el:
05 Apr 2021
Ordenes activas:
1 053 266.0000
Período de liberación:
1 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
9 999 086.7579
En la billetera del exchange:
3 884 752.5157
4 952 810.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
112 135.0770
No liberados aún:
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
02:01:50 27 Jan, 2024

We will give from 10 to 100 free BRNX to everyone who has traded it and has BRNX holdings on this exchange by March 31, 2024. Buy BRNX on MintMe directly from the creator and we will match the amount up to 1000 BRNX( offer good till Feb 14). You can now transfer and trade Bronx(BRNX) on MetaMask! Trust Wallet and Uniswap Exchange are coming soon! Make money, go buy some BRNX!

03:01:59 26 Jan, 2024

Bronx (BRNX) token is a fun idea designed to function as a meme coin built on the Ethereum based MintMe blockchain network and allowing artists, creators, fans, investors and everybody else with focus on Web3, DeFi, Metaverse, unlimited art and next level gaming to freely develop, express and promote their art and business ideas.

18:01:24 24 Jan, 2024

We will give free BRNX to everyone who has traded it and has BRNX holdings on this exchange by March 31, 2024. Buy BRNX directly from the creator and and we will match the amount up to 100 BRNX( offer good till Feb 14) Bronx(BRNX) is now available on MetaMask! Trust Wallet is coming soon!

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
8 091
2 779
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token