Welcome to the BANG Network: The Ultimate Social Experience Powered by BANG Tokens Are you ready to experience a revolutionary social network that rewards you for your engagement? Look no further than the BANG Network, where interaction earns you BANG tokens, the currency of the mintme token universe. What is BANG Network? BANG Network is not just another social platform; it's a dynamic community where your actions are valued and rewarded. Whether you're connecting with friends, joining interest groups, or exploring new content, every interaction on BANG Network earns you BANG tokens. Earn BANG Tokens Users can earn BANG tokens by completing daily tasks, profit sharing in groups, or simply mining BANG tokens from your profile. Create Your Own Group Ready to lead your own community? With BANG Network, creating a group is simple. Once you've accumulated enough BANG tokens, you can launch your own group and invite others to join. Set your own rules, share your passions, and build a thriving community around your interests. Join Exclusive Groups Explore a diverse range of groups covering everything from hobbies and interests to professional networks. Use your BANG tokens to access exclusive groups and connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests. Monetize Your Groups As a group founder, you have the opportunity to monetize your community. Set a membership fee for joining your group and earn BANG tokens when members sign up. With profit-sharing options, you can distribute earnings among admins, moderators, and members to incentivize active participation. Utility - AI currently being integrated. BANG Token is more than just a typical token on the MintMe blockchain—it's also an investment in the future of AI and the crypto industry. BANG Token's focus on AI learning and language models is what sets it apart from other tokens, paving the way for innovation and progress in these industries. By investing in BANG Token, you're not just investing in a token—you're investing in the development of AI and its potential to transform the world we live in. With the help of BANG Token, AI can continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, and in turn, build better utility for token creators. Liquidity Mintme/BANG liquidity pool. Initially, 50% of the BANG token sales will be allocated towards liquidity. This pool is hosted on MyPeppermint.me and provides users with the ability to swap coins, bridge tokens, and even stake PMINT for rewards. For anyone looking to stay connected with the community and keep up to date on the latest news and discussions, joining the MyPeppermint community group on our social network is a must! You can find it here: https://mypeppermint.me/ Join the BANG Revolution Join us on BANG Network and be part of the revolution in social networking. With BANG tokens, every interaction counts, every connection matters, and every moment is rewarded. Start earning today and discover the power of the BANG Network! Interested in participating in the Alpha launch? Sign up now and start earning BANG tokens with every interaction! https://virtashare.com

Creado el:
03 Feb 2021
Ya liberado:
5 362 753.1643
No liberados aún:
4 637 246.8356
Ordenes activas:
98 980.0000
Creado el:
03 Feb 2021
Ordenes activas:
98 980.0000
Período de liberación:
50 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
5 362 753.1643
En la billetera del exchange:
3 965 327.5729
1 001 715.5075
Vendido en el mercado:
289 455.8341
No liberados aún:
4 637 246.8356
Volumen de compras directas:
158 167
Últimas noticias
16:09:29 19 Sep, 2022

Menu's have been updated. Top right hand side of the screen users can now access a mega menu consisting of all social features. https://i.postimg.cc/1Xg6p8cN/menu-example.png Are you a mintme investor or token creator? Register a account and earn BANg TOKENS daily >>>

23:09:33 18 Sep, 2022

Bang Network now has a new look and feel. The entire site has been redesigned with a new layout and upgraded chat features. Group Chat Messages Groups now have build in real time chat. Click on messages in any group toolbar to join a chat. The Lounge A sitewide real time chat is now available to all members called the lounge. More news and updates coming soon. Not yet joined? Register Here and earn free BANG tokens daily. >> /

10:06:08 25 Jun, 2022

Social Registration to claim rewards: Portfolio Tracker: Peppermint Exchange: Bridge/Swap/Liquidity/Stake/Lend/Pools

Panorama del precio
Principales titulares/propietarios
Trader Monto
104 139
30 466
29 298
22 146
17 004
15 987
14 496
14 148
13 280
7 665
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token