Afri dollar Token Currency and how it works Africa has been riddled with Political instability, this is a way to reduce corruption and talented , and hardworking individuals to get an honest pay. This Afri dollar token is made to be used alongside the current running African countries currencies and also connects them all with a single unit of measurement This is the Afri dollar. Afri dollar can be traded in any worldwide exchange against any currency e.g. EUR/AFR All African and any African or outside of Africa countries can use this currency to support their base currency This token can be used in the form of aid for African countries. The Afri dollar is a crypto currency token for Africans used to improve intra trade between African countries as they are using the same unit of measurement closing the gap between higher rated currencies and lower rated currencies. As a currency the Afri dollar will also improve trade outside of the continent as the African countries will trade with a stable single crypto currency token More of this currency duty will be to create employment which is really needed by African countries. The key is to pay them with the Afri dollar token currency so as to circulate it as well as creating any employment so that people could work for it in any field Employment will be given to those who advertise this currency and educate the whole of the continent about it New job creation as playing games for a living can be created It can work on internet platforms such as Ali Baba, Amazon etc. you can buy anything which is sold on the World Wide Web and even open new opportunities for young Africans as

Creado el:
27 Nov 2020
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
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Creado el:
27 Nov 2020
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
3 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
10 000 000.0000
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