Propuestas Lista

Locked to 0.0001 Litecoin. Marketcap is limited thus 1k LTC. 1/10,000th of LTC = 10k Litoshi. This will be unofficial Litecoin (LTC) Token on Mintme Network. Initial funds are backed out of pocket by lead developer. Extra liquidity added is directly added and will insure OVER-balance protection. This is not an investment vehicle this is a manual bridge token designed to be stable to LTC yet investor may find interest in providing market making on mintme side at their own discretion.

Creado el:
10 Jul 2023
Ya liberado:
2 476 642.7434
No liberados aún:
7 523 357.2565
Ordenes activas:
13 553.0000
Creado el:
10 Jul 2023
Ordenes activas:
13 553.0000
Período de liberación:
20 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
2 476 642.7434
En la billetera del exchange:
1 227.6210
999 002.7368
Vendido en el mercado:
3 044 767.2562
No liberados aún:
7 523 357.2565
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
00:03:40 15 Mar, 2024

You can now make swap on Bone Swap. 10k litoshi/mintme #Trading #10klitoshi #dex #ArbitrageOpportunity

04:09:21 28 Sep, 2023

Whether mintme or litecoin moon 10k Litoshi is overbacked and ready! Stock up early before the bull returns ;) #mintme #litecoin #bullmarket #moon #recessionover