Added Token to swap page
13:07:26 10 Jul, 2022 I added the token to the 1000x page. You can now swap PMINT tokens into 1000x tokens or any other token that got listed. MyPepperMint has started a small but good DeFi protocol. I have been using it for a month and didn't encounter any major problems. Their protocol is based on the Uniswap contracts and got deployed on the mintme blogchain. Their service includes:[br] Swapping tokens. Adding liquidity to the swap in order to get a percentage on the exchange fee. Staking your liquidity in order to get PMINT tokens on the MintMe/PMINT, PUDS/MintMe pairs. Direct Staking of PMINT in order to get a percentage on the exchange fee. Lending of MintMe coins for flash loans. Bridge to the gnosischain.

The 1000x token has been the first token that has been deployed on the MintMe blockchain with platform and has been created on 23 May 2020. There are the following services where you can use or earn the 1000x token. The, where you can exchange your 1000x token in to 23 other tokens. The, where you can exchange the 1000x token in to BONE, PMINT, DOGSWAP or into other tokens. The, where you can exchange the 1000x token in to MintMe, PMINT or PUSD. The, where you can provide liquidity to the exchange and earn some percentage of their exchange fee. The, where you can exchange the 1000x token into other tokens. The goal of this token is to have something valuable that can be given to other people or exchanged for other goods. You can find more information on the

Creado el:
23 May 2020
Ya liberado:
1 322 567.0433
No liberados aún:
8 677 432.9566
Ordenes activas:
Creado el:
23 May 2020
Ordenes activas:
Período de liberación:
50 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
1 322 567.0433
En la billetera del exchange:
763 811.0942
Vendido en el mercado:
No liberados aún:
8 677 432.9566
Volumen de compras directas:
Últimas noticias
10:08:59 18 Aug, 2024

Hello everyone, Dance and Music is now listed on the swap. You're now able to swap the DANDM token in to any other token listed on the page, for example, BONE DogSwap and 1000x tokens. Link:

12:08:40 10 Aug, 2024

Video: My experience with staking on The experiment did take me 5 weeks, I bought 19.5 BONE tokens at the start and 21.5 after 3 Weeks for a total of 200 MintMe coins staked them after the 5 weeks I soled 41.15399 for 264.9 MintMe. Through staking I earned around 0.12217 in staking reward.

18:05:48 31 May, 2024

I will give away 30 1000x tokens. In order to reserve them, you have to create a video about the website, upload it to YouTube and post the link to the video and the wallet address you like to receive the tokens under this post. You have until the 30th of June to create a comment under this Post, then I will pick the 3 best and reward them on the 6th of July. The prices are as the following: The first place receives 15 1000x tokens, the second place receives 10 1000x tokens, and the third place receives 5 1000x tokens.

Panorama del precio
Campañas de recompensas
Tienda del token