We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of MintMe, version 2.3. With this update, we have implemented several enhancements and bug fixes that aim to improve your overall experience on our platform. As always, we are committed to providing the best service to our users, and we appreciate your valuable feedback. Thank you for choosing MintMe, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.
- Allowed multiple tokens per account
We are now allowing users to create up to 5 tokens instead of one! We understand that many of our users have been requesting this feature, and we hope it will improve their experience and satisfaction with our platform.
- Added support for CRO (crypto.com)
New cryptocurrency available on MintMe.com! Users can now trade CRO within our platform. Additionally, users are now able to deploy tokens to the CRO blockchain.
- Added sign up rewards
Token creators can reward newly registered users with a custom amount of tokens for joining the platform through their link.
- Added tips for comments
Token creators are now allowed to tip any comment within our service. This feature empowers our users with the ability to support and appreciate valuable content in a more tangible way, while also fostering a culture of engagement and recognition within our community.
- Added the ability to disable post notifications from specific tokens
With this new feature, users can opt-out of receiving reminders about posts from selected tokens, providing greater control over their notification preferences.
- Improved overall panel load times
- Implemented automatic orders maker for each token
- Added refunded amount in the notifications
- Implemented forbidden token name feature
- Made 2FA improvements
- Added bonus balance for MINTME
- Allowed switching tokens in token settings
- Added support for MintMe coins from other blockchains
- Added support for Smart Contracts that perform batch transfers
- Added the ability to show total cost in dollars
- Allowed CRO tokens to be listed from outside
- Made the balance on the Wallet page update automatically
- Added more precise price on hover effect
- Unified how the $ sign is presented
- Added a video to the main page
- Added lazy loading on the Voting page
- Created a sell or buy order form that now submits with enter
- Added support for YouTube links with channel in the URL
- Amount to receive in Quick trade is now editable
- Reworked the menu
- Hid the Shop and Bounty tables when empty
- Improved bounty notification for deleted applications
- Allowed bonus balance to be used for voting
- Limited results for the trade history on all markets
- Added "Add market" button to the token's market page
- Changed the network icon into a button
- Removed the fee column from the wallet in the active orders section
- Changed the headers for the bounty and shop sections
- Made sitemap changes
- Fixed token's trade history
- Resolved token loss for referred trades
- Fixed "500 error" when a new referred user tries to register
- CRO minimal deposits are now processed properly
- Addressed fee calculation issue for mintme token withdrawals
- Withdrawal fees for CRO tokens update now properly
- Resolved issue connected to donation history
- Fixed "500 error" after registering via sign up bonus link
- Fixed SMS issue on Generate and Download backup codes
- Corrected wrong token avatar on token settings page
- Addressed "500 error" on referrals page
- Fixed missing referral links
- Improved dropdown list selection for several tokens
- Fixed broken profile module
- Fixed MintMe icon and blockchain connect button
- Corrected issue where new post created was not displayed
- Updated guest signup URL for additional markets
- Donations on additional markets now mention the market in trade history
- Fixed blue background color in kb
- Added space in dropdown list
- Corrected unexpected MintMe icons on deposit form
- Added hover effect for "see more" button
- Fixed promotion history records for sign up bonus link
- Fixed wrong link on tab for additional token markets and Active Orders (Wallet)
- Fixed button size and responsiveness of sign up bonus page
- Corrected wrong market URL on wallet page
- Fixed wrong message in response body
- Truncated long words in comment section
- Fixed notification counter position
- Fixed issues with start and FAQ modules of coin page
- Fixed displaying values with 0 in airdrop end time
- Fixed Airdrop referral link not differing from text
- Made SM icons match our style
- Made main page link relative
- Fixed toast message for bounty payment
- Corrected typo on live feed
- Fixed issue where wallet page was displayed after user logs out
- Resolved issue where traders received false notification if deployment failed
- Fixed xs view for Referrals page
- Truncated long nicknames on wallet page
- Fixed tooltip text on post reward
- Fixed typo on OAuth delete modal
- Removed blue color from old design on email
- Tokens that the user owns table now works without JS
- Added missing text on delete voting modal
- Fixed resetting password and email check issue
- Added line break in congratulations modal
- Fixed column name of Price and Change columns when combined
- Eye icon is now correctly placed in register form (claim airdrop for guests)
- Fixed released token amount calculation bug
- See more button is now available in "Tokens I own"
- Fixed MintMe logo in connect to blockchain
- Fixed empty fields on news page
- Corrected sorting issue
- Aligned Airdrop bar with body
- Fixed issue where token and web were displayed in URL on mintme market page
- Added related articles to KB
- Corrected login and registration process from quick trade
- Fixed wrong token avatar on Profile
- Fixed avatar inline issues and size
- Fixed "Subscribe to yt channel" option in airdrop campaign
- Made necessary fixes to new design on /coin page
- Made some fixes to the new design on the /coin page
- Fixed unexpected behavior when clicking on the "See more" button
- Improved the design of the login/register form for guests on quick trade
- Fixed untranslatable content in some sections of the panel
- Fixed wallet balance not auto-updating after withdrawal made via API
- Fixed lazy loading issue for posts
- Resolved issue where Top holders, Bounties, and token shop were not shown in smaller resolution
- Fixed 404 error page after clicking "Connect your token with other blockchains"
- Fixed console errors on token introduction page
- Fixed error when adding markets
- Resolved issue where profile couldn't be edited after phone number validation
- Fixed broken API endpoints
- Fixed broken front-end for Mintme markets
- Updated URL for each feature tab in token settings in v230
- Fixed wrong pair name in active orders tab
- Fixed broken sign-up page
- Resolved issue of wrong modals appearing in bounty and token shop section of token owner
- Cleared text fields in quick trade
- Fixed post deletion not working properly
- Resolved issue of broken quick trade
- Fixed issue where donation modal on token intro & single post page doubles up
- Fixed Error 500 related to new sessions on Mintme
- Fixed back button issue in Token settings leading to a 404 error
- Fixed text on Profile page
- Resolved issue of web notification for bounties and products not working properly
- Fixed issue where equivalent price in dollars overlaps the amount in crypto in Quick trade modules
- Aligned the eye icon from the password field properly
- Resolved issue where Quick trade module was not responsive in coin trading and token market
- Fixed wrong tooltip on the buy form for additional markets
- Fixed "X" close button in every modal
- Fixed Like button on Feed Post Page
- Fixed hovering issue in news container