Mintme Noticias

Looking for ways to earn worldwide recognition? Read about what tokenization is and how it can help you to achieve business growth and expand your possibilities on the market.

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Now it's the time you become part of this project...

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El apoyo mutuo es uno de los fundamentos de una vida sana y disponer de tecnologías que nos ayuden a fomentar la confianza entre las personas es un logro increíble.

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Going through the development of crowdfunding and its timeline and how monetization through the web has changed with the implementation of Blockchain technology.

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Mintme in the news

Check what this newspaper says about mintme project

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Keeping a business, whether small or big, on-task and dynamic becomes more perplexing as time flies. Funds get stretched thin as you continue to scale while you do not have sufficient time to control every aspect of the enterprise. Project management software (PMS) could help.

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When we love something we want to give our best for it but does a fan receives the due retribution for their hard job? Can the fans be financially rewarded when they give support to the people they love?

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We want to offer people real solutions and possibilities, which is why we have implemented SegWitn standard and in result we have lowered the Bitcoin withdrawal fee to 0.0005!

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